Lifeproof is a non-toxic, ceramic coating treatment that we can treat almost any hard surface of your home with. First, we'll thoroughly clean the surface you'd like treated. Then we'll apply two coats to the surface to ensure the best bond, life and protection as possible. There is a two hour sealing time where the surface cannot be touched at all. And a 12 hour total window where we recommend to refrain from using it. White Dove management will keep track of the expected life of your treatment and contact you to determine the best time for reapplication.
APPLY ON stainless steele appliances or faucets.
PROTECTS FROM fingerprints and smudges. just simply wipe away when they do appear
LIFE OF up to 12 months
APPLY ON inside fridge, microwave or stovetop
PROTECTS FROM food spills
LIFE OF 4-6 months
APPLY ON any glass surface such as shower glass doors
PROTECTS FROM hard water, spotting and soap scum
LIFE OF 3-6 months
APPLY ON any of your sinks
PROTECTS FROM water drops, hard water and food sticking
LIFE OF 2-6 months
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This is a kitchen sink used very regularly throughout the day, and the water is very hard. It's usually scrubbed down on a monthly basis and the hard water and filth builds back up to this level.
Here it is after being scrubbed down and treated with Lifeproof. It shines so differently! This photo was taken at night, so the lighting is a bit different.
One week after treatment. I really wanted to dry it, but this sink is almost always wet from the regular use it gets. So, here it is in its real state.
Two weeks after treatment. I did dry it this time just so that we can really see how its holding up.i'm impressed!
Here is a dishwasher that is loaded regularly throughout the day. It's cleaned every couple of weeks with a stainless steel cleaner.
Here it is after being stripped of all stainless steel cleaner to ensure the best bond on the dishwasher. Then treated with Lifeproof.
One week after treatment. Still super shiny! I took a very damp microfiber to wipe a couple smudges near the handle, but that's it. If I was using stainless steel cleaner, I would have had to spray wipe down the entire thing for it to loo great again.
Two weeks after treatment. Same thing, just wiped across the top where we touch it 15 plus times a day and back to a perfect finish. not at all possible when using stainless steel cleaner.